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About Jackie Bobbitt

cheekyWelcome to my online classroom. Hopefully, as I learn more about this site and delve into how to use it, I can make my resources more available for the student to use. My love for this community and this town will become very evident while I get the  honor of teaching and interacting with your children. I am a native of Porter, graduating in 1995. My educational experience includes an associates degree from Connors State College and an elementary education degree from Northeastern State University. I am curently seeking my master’s degree in admnistration and hope to achieve this goal in the winter. I have taught since 2002 and most of my teaching experience has been at Mounds Public Schools. However, this will be my 5th year at Porter Schools. Myself as well as my children reside in the Vann’s Lake area of Porter. My two children are, Hayley 15 ,and Easton 10. My children are my compass for life and as a family we enjoy the great outdoors, camping, showing livestock, fishing, and four wheeling.  You can also find me in just about any athletic stand all over Oklahoma because my children are also involved in many sports. I will be teaching two sections of 7th grade science, one section of 8th grade science, a highschool physcial science class, and also two sections of 6th grade scicence. I am eager to meet, teach, and learn right along with your children this year. heart

Jackie Bobbitt

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